What is EPR?

What is EPR?

Extended Producer Responsibility is an environmental policy approach that obligates producers, or brand owners, to be responsible for managing their products from manufacturing through to end-of-use.

Under an EPR program, brand owners are responsible for paying for the cost of collecting, transporting and recycling these products. Whether it’s a can of paint, a television or a cereal box, the recycling costs are already included in the price of the product when you buy it. Why doesn’t this increase the price of products? Manufacturers compete nationally on pricing, ensuring consumers receive the most efficient recycling programs possible.

Why do we benefit from EPR programs? 

  • Cost Savings: Reduces waste management costs to municipalities/taxpayers.
  • Promotes Circular Economy: Supports innovation, supply chain synergies.
  • Job Creation: Jobs created in relation to collection, sorting, and processing of recyclable materials.
  • Awareness and Accessibility: Easier to use programs and make product decisions.
  • Product Design: Product/Packaging designs are more durable, repairable and recyclable.
  • Resource Conservation: Strengthens waste reduction, reuse and recycling efforts.
  • Pollution Reduction: Extends landfills and reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information, please contact us at:

Email: info@recyclenb.com
Telephone: 506-454-8473
Toll Free: 1-888-322-8473
Fax: 506-454-8471